Knowing the risk factors of cerebral palsy can make all the difference during pregnancy. There is a whole array of factors that come into play when it comes to the increased chances of an unborn child developing cerebral palsy, and understanding all of these risk factors and how pregnant mothers can mitigate them can always […]
Inducing Labor a Little Early May Lead to Safer Childbirth
Labor induction, or inducing labor, is when a health care provider will give a pregnant woman medicine or use other methods to stimulate uterine contractions before labor begins, and potentially break the amniotic sac to start labor a little earlier than the woman’s natural pregnancy progression. Any healthcare provider may recommend inducing labor for a […]
How is Cerebral Palsy Treated? What parents need to know
Cerebral palsy (CP) the diagnosis given to a collection of symptoms caused by an injury to the brain that impacts (among other things) muscle control. CP has many causes (including hypoxia during labour and delivery), a wide range of manifestations, and no known cure. So, if your child has been diagnosed with CP what type […]
How Does Cerebral Palsy Affect Social Development?
The creation and building of social relationships are one of many milestones that children affected by cerebral palsy may have difficulty in achieving. But how exactly does cerebral palsy affect social development, especially as children are learning how to walk, talk, and interact with others? Whether it is due to mobility, difficulties in communicating needs […]
Does Aspirin Use During Pregnancy Increase The Risk of Cerebral Palsy?
According to a study published in the International Journal of Epidemiology, the use of aspirin and acetaminophen during pregnancy has been linked to the potential development of cerebral palsy in unborn children. Researchers based in the Denmark’s University of Copenhagen analyzed nearly 190,000 mother-child pairs during this study and found that women who took aspirin […]
Fort Nelson, B.C. Cannot Support Expecting Mothers
Insufficient Staffing Closes Maternity Services A November 28, 2017 memo from Airport Way Medical Clinic announced the permanent discontinuation of Maternity Services in Fort Nelson, British Columbia. The memo stated the reason being is that there is simply not enough staffing support to ensure safe obstetric care. Expecting mothers of Fort Nelson are now unable […]
Proving Causation in Medical Malpractice Cases
In order to succeed in a medical malpractice case, the patient must prove, on the balance of probabilities, the following: That the medical practitioner in question (physician, nurse, midwife etc.) owed the plaintiff a duty of care (usually not an issue), A breach of the standard of care required of any reasonably competent practitioner of […]
Contingency Fees – Access To Justice In Birth Injury Cases
High Costs of Litigation As Canadians, we do not pay medical fees directly. Instead, the physicians who treat us are paid by provincial medical insurance plans which are funded by our tax dollars. This of course is not the case for lawyers. Unless we qualify for provincially funded legal aid, which is limited to criminal […]
Pain and Suffering in Birth Injury Claims
Capped But Still Significant in Canada One of the most common pain and suffering damages questions we are asked is “what is my case worth?” The amount of damages available to a birth injury plaintiff depends on: the amount of the cost of care, which is determined by a cost of care expert during the […]
Biophysical Profiles
Biophysical profiles are a form of test used to assess fetal well-being, usually performed during the third trimester. This test was developed by Dr. Frank Manning, an obstetrician who practiced in Winnipeg before moving to New York. It has been in use for approximately 30 years and is a relatively simple, risk-free procedure that can […]
Chris Wullum appointed to Board of Children’s Rehabilitation Foundation
We are proud of the work our BILA members do in the community. That’s why we are happy to announce that Chris Wullum, BILA Founding Member for Manitoba and Nunavut, has been appointed to the Board of Directors of the Children’s Rehabilitation Foundation of Manitoba – The Foundation raises funds to improve the lives […]