As birth injury lawyers, we work with clients whose children are, tragically, the victims of many types of medical malpractice. Contrary to what you might imagine, birth injuries are not limited to mishaps during the actual birth – they can happen in many contexts leading up to, immediately following, and related to the birth. Here’s […]
Search Results for: medical malpractice claims
What is the burden of proof in medical malpractice claims?
It is human nature when something terrible happens to a baby to think that someone should be held responsible. But the most important thing you need to remember in any birth injury claim is that the plaintiff (you) bears the burden of proof. So how much evidence do you need to provide to meet the […]
The Truth About Medical Consent Forms
Medical consent forms are frequently signed by patients prior to undergoing medical or surgical treatment. However, the legal effect of the medical consent form is not well understood by many Canadians. It is a common misunderstanding that a medical consent form signed before medical or surgical treatment prevents an injured patient from claiming against healthcare […]
Medical Literature in Birth Injury Cases: Real, Reliable, or Junk Science?
While birth injuries are relatively rare, when they happen to your child, the impact can be devastating. Many birth injuries can result in permanent disability and/or lifelong complications. When these birth injuries are caused by medical negligence, parents may be able to file a claim against the doctor or healthcare provider. A medical malpractice claim […]
Proving Causation in Medical Malpractice Cases
In order to succeed in a medical malpractice case, the patient must prove, on the balance of probabilities, the following: That the medical practitioner in question (physician, nurse, midwife etc.) owed the plaintiff a duty of care (usually not an issue), A breach of the standard of care required of any reasonably competent practitioner of […]
Life Expectancy in Birth Trauma Claims: How Experts Predict the Future
Our life span is how long each of us actually lives — our life expectancy, on the other hand, is how many more years we can we can expect to live. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a crystal ball that will allow us to determine exactly how long we are going to live. However, […]
Stages of Medical Malpractice Lawsuits in Canada
Learn more about each stage of Canada’s medical malpractice lawsuits Starting the medical malpractice lawsuit Statement of claim Statement of defense Discovery process Expert reports Pre-trial conferences with a judge Mediation Trial Appeals Speak to an expert Starting the Medical Malpractice lawsuit in Canada Once the decision has been made that there is merit in […]
How Do I Know if My Child Has Been a Victim of Medical Malpractice or Suffered a Birth Injury?
Birth injuries are a type of complex medical malpractice claim typically alleging obstetrician or gynecologist negligence during vaginal delivery, improper induction of labour, cesarean delivery complications, or any straying away from the guidelines and standard of care set forth by the American College of Obstetricians. Here are the types of birth injury/medical malpractice claims BILA […]
Richard Halpern
Gluckstein Personal Injury Lawyers 1 (877)-826-5710 Richard Halpern is a senior lawyer acting exclusively for injured people in medical negligence cases, with a special focus on infants injured at or around the time of birth. Richard is known across Canada for his expertise in birth injury cases, and is a founding member of the […]
Halifax Birth Injury Lawyer Serving The Nearby Atlantic Canada Region
Purdy’s Wharf, Tower I1959 Upper Water StreetSuite 502Halifax, Nova ScotiaB3J 3N2877-223-5885 About our Halifax Birth Injury Lawyers Alliance (BILA) The Birth Injury Lawyers Alliance of Canada is a national network of personal injury and medical malpractice lawyers who specialize in supporting families affected by birth injuries. Our members are knowledgeable and caring advocates with access to experts in all […]
Vancouver Birth Injury Lawyers Serving The Nearby British Columbia, and Yukon Territories
1030 West 6th Avenue Vancouver BC V6H 1A3 877-201-0039 About our Vancouver Birth Injury Lawyers Alliance (BILA) The Birth Injury Lawyers Alliance of Canada is a national network of personal injury and medical malpractice lawyers who specialize in supporting families affected by birth injuries. Our members are knowledgeable and caring advocates with access to experts in all aspects of […]
A Letter to Moms of Children with Cerebral Palsy
If you are a mom, you have likely experienced “mom guilt” at one point or another. As a working mother, I have had my fair share. The more I speak with other mothers, the more I realize that it is an almost universal feeling. It is rarely rational and logical, but that feeling remains, all […]
Seizures in New Born Babies: Causes, Effects, Diagnosis
Seizures in the neonatal period are not uncommon, particularly with premature infants. Neonatal period refers to the first 28 days of life for a baby. Seizures happen when there are abnormal electrical discharges in the newborn’s central nervous system. These discharges can be caused by a variety of different conditions. Some of these conditions may […]
John McKiggan, Q.C.
McKiggan Hebert Lawyers Atlantic Canada 877-223-5885 Connect with John l t i One of Atlantic Canada’s most experienced birth injury litigators, John McKiggan is one of the founding members of the Birth Injury Lawyers Alliance of Canada. John dedicates his practice exclusively to representing persons who have suffered serious injury or loss as a […]
Joseph Miller, Q.C.
Weir Bowen LLP Alberta and Northwest Territories 877-860-5082 Connect with Joseph i Since joining Weir Bowen in 1991, Joe Miller has focused his practice on advising and representing plaintiffs in medical malpractice cases. He has a special interest in birth trauma cases and is a founding member of the Birth Injury Lawyers Alliance. Joe […]